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String Bag and Cord Making Workshop - LITTLE LANE WORKSHOPS

  • LITTLE LANE WORKSHOPS Daydream Street Warriewood, NSW, 2102 Australia (map)
Spend the morning learning an introduction to the art of cord making, knotless netting and bag making with Brooke Munro.Firstly you will learn to make cord using foraged and prepared plant fibres. This cord can also be made using remnant and dyed fi…

Spend the morning learning an introduction to the art of cord making, knotless netting and bag making with Brooke Munro.

Firstly you will learn to make cord using foraged and prepared plant fibres. This cord can also be made using remnant and dyed fibres for additional interest and design. From the prepared cord you will create a bag using knotless netting techniques such as looping, figure of eight, twisted and round stitches.

Brooke will be demonstrating these varied techniques and will be hands on when teaching the differing netting styles.

Additional string/cord will be on hand for speedier creations. All materials are supplied and included.

Our address is Studio 4102, 4 Daydream Street Warriewood.