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New South Wales 2577

0487 005 117

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String Bag and Cord Making Workshop - CREATIVE ESCAPES

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Brooke Munro returns to guide us through another type of weaving. This will be popular for both the experienced and new alike. Brooke will teach you to make cord using foraged and prepared plant fibres. From this prepared cord, you will create a bag using knotless netting techniques. The basic materials required for the day will be included in the experience and further materials will be available for sale. Come for the day, or the weekend by booking one of our accommodation packages. Our Deluxe package includes 2 nights accommodation, all meals supplied from Friday evening till Sunday breakfast & the escape experience plus materials. Check in anytime from 10am on the Friday to explore at at leisure. For the Overnight Package, check in is from 10am on the Saturday. This includes the escape experience including materials, one night accommodation plus all meals supplied from Saturday breakfast to Sunday breakfast. Escape experience only option is available & also includes morning tea and lunch plus materials.

To book your escape go to "book" & click on this link: