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New South Wales 2577

0487 005 117

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Sculptural Basketry - My Rural Retreat - GUYRA NSW

Brooke will demonstrate varied techniques including Random Weaving, Twining, String bag techniques, Coiling techniques to help you construct a sculptural form. You will be introduced to a variation of foraged plant fibres and found objects.All mate…

Brooke will demonstrate varied techniques including Random Weaving, Twining, String bag techniques, Coiling techniques to help you construct a sculptural form. You will be introduced to a variation of foraged plant fibres and found objects.

All materials are included, but you can bring articles or fibres that interest you or that you would like to further explore.

Delicious morning tea, lunch under the oak tree & glass champagne.

Date : Fri 2nd November, 2018
Time : 10am – 4pm
Cost : $225