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New South Wales 2577

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Hidden Core Coiling - My Rural Retreat - GUYRA NSW

Hidden Core Coiling - My Rural Retreat - GUYRA NSWHidden core coiling is the action of wrapping together a core material to create a form. Brooke will be demonstrating varied techniques and will be hands with this small group, teaching differing sti…

Hidden Core Coiling - My Rural Retreat - GUYRA NSW

Hidden core coiling is the action of wrapping together a core material to create a form. Brooke will be demonstrating varied techniques and will be hands with this small group, teaching differing stitches and wrapping styles.

With a combination of soft materials including hand dyed raffia, you will create and play with the sculptural medium that is basketry.

All materials are included, as well as a delicious morning tea and hours of weaving & natter under the oak tree.

Date : Sat 3rd November, 2018
Time : 9am – 12noon
Cost : $145

For bookings and details go to
