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Random Weave Basketry - My Rural Retreat - GUYRA NSW

Random Weave Basketry - My Rural Retreat - Guyra NSW

Random Weave Basketry - My Rural Retreat - Guyra NSW

Spend the afternoon learning the art of Random Weave Basket Making with Mrs Brooke Munro. Random Weaving is the art of using differing fibres and found objects and weaving them with a structural technique to create an organic form.

Brooke will demonstrate varied techniques and will be hands on with this small group. You will create a form made from natural and hand dyed rattan cane as well as natural fibres including foraged plantation.

All materials are included, as well as a delicious afternoon tea and hours of weaving & natter under the oak tree.

Date : Sat 3rd November, 2018
Time : 1.30pm – 4.30pm
Cost : $145

For Bookings and Details -
